Donation Submission Form

Thank you for all you do for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and for your local member hospital. The accurate submission of funds raised in support of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) is crucial for tracking our collective fundraising efforts. Please review these guidelines carefully and if you have any questions reach out to Amy Moyer (

There is a new digital form for submitting property fundraising details, below. If you are a franchised property, please still screenshot the form and mail it in with the check to CMN Hospitals after submitting online.

US Franchised Properties

When submitting a check, please complete the donation form below indicating your property MARSHA code and how the funds were raised. Please screenshot/print the submission page and attach this form as a deposit slip and be sure to include the type of fundraising in the memo of the check as well. All funds should be directly sent to:

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
205 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
P (801) 214-7400

US Managed Properties
  • Donations should not be sent to the local hospitals – funds will be distributed back to your local benefiting hospital through CMN Hospitals.
  • The DFA or MSB GM completes and submits the form below on this webpage, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals).
  • Submit funds via PSAP directly to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Be sure to include the name of the Event in the check message section of the check request process – e.g. Breakfast, Aquafina, Root Beer Float, etc.
  • NOTE: All donations to CMN Hospitals should be processed through PS Accounts Payable system. Through PSAP, the Accounting department creates a new entry in the Invoice Request Entry menu using Vendor ID number: 0000000166 Vendor Location: CMN205SU
    • This is an ACH payment which will expedite your donation to CMN Hospitals.
    • The Donation Form above will be your documentation backup; scan it as your invoice image.
  • Accounting Code: 0010.210053 (For MSB Hotels) and 0011.211011 (for FS Hotels).

Managed by Marriott properties, all funds must be submitted via MBS and should be directly sent to:

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
205 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
P (801) 214-7400

Canadian Managed Properties
  • The Director of Finance or MSB GM completes and submits the Donation Form for CMN, via this link
    • After your event, e-mail the form to Sherry Hugh This form allows CMN Hospitals Accounting to reconcile all donations received and expenses incurred throughout the event to present the local CMN Hospital with a final donation disbursement.
  • NOTE: All donations to CMN Hospitals should be processed directly through PS Accounts Payable system. Through PSAP, the Accounting department creates a new entry in the Invoice Request Entry menu using Vendor ID number: 0001188967, Vendor Location: CCTO* PLEASE DO NOT USE LOCATION ON POPUP WINDOW
    • Select the vendor location with the cheque payment option your donation to CMN Hospitals.
    • This vendor profile will accept and process your payment in Canadian Dollars.
    • The Donation Form above will be your documentation backup; scan it as your invoice image.
    • Submit funds in a timely manner at the conclusion of your event/campaign.
    • Be sure to include the name of the event/campaign in the message section of the cheque request – e.g. Breakfast, Aquafina, Root Beer Float, etc.
  • Accounting Code: 0010.210053 (For MSB Hotels) and 0011.211011 (for FS Hotels).

Managed by Marriott properties, all funds must be submitted via MBS and should be directly sent to:

ATTENTION: Finance Department
Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations
240 Richmond Street West, Suite 4-142
Toronto, ON M5V 1V6

Canadian Franchised Properties

Franchised properties, when submitting a check, please complete the donation form indicating your property MARSHA code and how the funds were raised. All funds should be directly sent to:

ATTENTION: Finance Department
Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations
240 Richmond Street West, Suite 4-142
Toronto, ON M5V 1V6

Donation Form